The Registrar of Voters (ROV) receives information on deceased voters when notified by the Department of Public Health, the SOS, or third-party notifications, such as the spouse of the deceased.  When notified, ROV processes this information. ROV must be notified by one of these sources in order to process the deceased voter information.  In the case of third-party notifications, prior to January 1, 2024, the ROV required the requestor to send additional information to ROV, such as a death certificate, to finalize the process. If additional documentation was not received, the voter record could not be removed from the voter rolls per mandate. On January 1, 2024, Assembly Bill (AB) 2841 took effect, providing ROV with a new process to confirm deceased records.  Elections Code 2201(c)(1) now requires the ROV to send a notification to voters who have been identified as deceased.  If the voter does not notify the Registrar of Voters within 15 days that we received incorrect information, the voter’s registration will be cancelled per Elections Code section 2201.