Ballot Marking Devices are available at each voting location and include the following options:

  • Audio, large print, high contrast, controls for speed and volume, use controller or use touch screen
  • Bring your own headset or use ours
  • Adaptable for sip-and-puff devices.

Remote Accessible Vote by Mail

  • Voters may use their computer to mark an accessible ballot. Once marked, voters print their ballot and return it to the Registrar of Voters office using a mail ballot identification envelope.

Curbside Voting

Voters with disabilities may take advantage of our easy-to-navigate curbside voting option.

Follow these instructions:

  1. At your assigned polling place, park in the location designated for curbside voting.
  2. Use your cellphone to call for curbside voting assistance. The phone number is printed on the curbside voting sign. Be ready to provide the name of your polling place and make, model and color of your vehicle to the operator.
  3. Poll workers will be out to assist you soon