If you receive this message, you will have an opportunity to resolve the issue with your mail ballot up until two days before the Registrar of Voters certifies the results of the election.

In addition to a notification from Where’s My Ballot, you will receive a letter from the Registrar of Voters that describes the issue and how to solve it. The three solvable mail ballot issues are:

  • Voter did not sign the mail ballot identification envelope
  • Signature on the mail ballot identification envelope does not compare to the signature in the voter’s registration record
  • First-time voter did not provide sufficient identification information when registering to vote and must provide ID when voting the first time

Voters may return an Unsigned Ballot Statement, Signature Verification Statement, or a copy of their ID by dropping a copy off at the Registrar of Voters office, by mail, by fax, or by emailing a photographed or scanned copy of the statement or ID.