Ballot Collection and Check In
Ballot Counting
Ballot Duplication
Ballot Storage
Conditional Voter Registration and Provisional Ballots
Adding Conditional Voter Registrations and Provisional Voters to the Provisional Voter Module
Adjudicating Green and Yellow Light Provisional and Conditional Voter Registration Envelopes
Auditing Conditional Voter Registrations and Provisional Ballots
Provisional Ballot Envelope Opening and Ballot Extraction
Reconciliation of Early Vote Conditional Voter Registration Provisional Ballot Envelopes
Early Voting
Election Night
Mail Ballot Challenge Resolution
Cure Statement Preparation
- Preparing Cure Statements for Processing
- Pulling Mail Ballot Envelopes for Cure Statement Processing
Overturning Challenges
- Reviewing and Overturning Canceled-In Review Challenges
- Reviewing and Overturning Inactive Challenges
- Reviewing and Overturning Non-Matching Signature Challenges
- Reviewing and Overturning No Voter Signature Challenges
- Reviewing and Overturning Voter Already Voted Challenges
- Reviewing and Overturning Voter Deceased Challenges
- Reviewing and Overturning Voter Notification Challenges
- Reviewing and Overturning WANDA Found a Problem Challenges
Mail Ballot Preparation for Counting
Mail Ballot Signature Comparison
Mail Ballot Sorting
One Percent Manual Tally
Random Precinct & Batch Selection
Preparation Activities
- Hand Counting Ballots
- Performing a Pre-Audit for One Percent Manual Tally
- Pulling Boxes for the One Percent Manual Tally
Auditing Activities